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Collect Your Crayons, and Color Some… paper lizards?!

Did you know that August is home to both National Crayon Collection Month, AND World Lizard Day? And that World Lizard Day is on the SAME DAY as National Coloring Book Day??

So this kind of feels like a no brainer. Art is one of the greatest ways for children (and adults!) to express themselves – the good and the bad. Coloring books in particular are often used to get someone through a period of anxiety or depression. Encouraging someone to slow down and color within the lines promotes a more present state of mind in the face of anxiety, and allowing someone to color outside the lines lets them explore their own creativity and find a freedom in their expression. Slowing down and being present allows people to regain awareness of their feelings, and opens up the possibility of finding their feelings’ roots. And I think it goes without saying that allowing kids to say “to heck with these boundaries!” and be creative, lets them live outside the boxes they might be put in by the rest of the world. This freedom of expression just might remind kids that they are the only ones who get to decide who they are, and could help someone pull themselves out of a deep and unnecessary sadness.

So what do lizards have to do with this? Other than lizards being hundreds of different sizes and colors, and generally super cool, I’m not really sure! That’s up to your kids to decide! Maybe take the chance to get outside and find a lizard, take a photo of it, and use that image as inspiration for art. Maybe imagine what your favorite lizard might look like, regardless of if they’re real or not. Or maybe you say “to heck with these lizards!” and use your crayons to draw and color something that you care about. No matter what the subject is, encourage your kids to find something that speaks to them, and help them put crayon to paper.