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Second Hand Smoke – It’s No Joke

Second hand smoke

We’ve known for a while now that second-hand smoke is dangerous – that it literally kills. It is a known cause of low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Cognitive Impairments, behavioral health issues, and respiratory problems. I know we hate statistics, but 35% of children in the U.S. have been exposed to secondhand smoke, and we should be taking this seriously!

Children deserve the chance to make healthy choices for their bodies. If you’re an adult, and you’ve made an informed and consensual decision to start smoking any substance, please just do it outside! Or in an environment that doesn’t put children at risk. Kids are far more likely to develop complicated versions of bronchitis, pneumonia, other lung diseases, and so many more health disturbances if they are exposed to second hand smoke.

So please, think before you smoke, and clear the area of all babies and children. It would be awesome if you didn’t smoke at all, every body is better without smoke, but I know you can make your own call. But your kid can’t… so just be conscious of the places to pull out those cigs, and protect the kids.

After all, we have to change kids’ health to change the future. Be a future maker with me.